Unexpected Packages Page 15
His finger pushed into her hot and sensitive flesh, and she grabbed his shoulders to keep from falling.
“I just wanted a taste before I left for work. This gives you something to look forward to all day. And it gives me a reason to shuffle some stuff around and get off early,” he said with a final stroke against her swollen nub.
She watched mesmerized as he brought his finger to his nose. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply of her smell.
“There’s nothing better than the smell of you aroused,” he said before licking his finger. “Well, maybe the taste of that arousal.”
Her stomach clenched at the sight of him licking his finger.
“Give me strength,” she said under her breath.
“Hmm, give us both strength,” he said, kissing her deeply again. “Hey, I have to go.”
“Oh, right,” she said, trying to gather her senses. “Just let me run back upstairs and get my bag real quick.”
“I said I have to leave not you,” he said, reaching for his keys on the counter.
“Here. Just lock up when you're done or you can stay and be here when I get home, your choice. I took the liberty of writing down the code to the alarm. I put it on the fridge for you,” he said, leaning down to plant another quick kiss on her parted lips, and then he was gone.
First, she just stood there staring at the key in her hand before cautiously glancing around. She was all alone in Kenny’s house. She couldn’t believe it. Connie pinched herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming before twirling around in a circle. Maybe just maybe he was for real.
Chapter 19
Connie hummed a little tune to herself as she headed upstairs to get her overnight bag. She checked her watch. It was almost two o’clock. Kenny had mentioned possibly getting off work early, and she wanted to be there when he arrived, she thought with a mischievous glint in her eyes. She was almost at the top of the stairs when the doorbell rang.
“Connie, can you get that?” Tammy called from the kitchen.
“Yep,” she yelled and bounced back down the stairs, her steps lighter than they had been in a long time.
She opened the door to find Brenda on the other side, a perturbed expression on her face. Dammit. Why had she forgotten her overnight bag earlier when she had left the house? Connie could kick herself now because her she was mentally preparing herself to deal with Brenda's obviously pissy attitude.
“Constance Eunice Banks, you have been avoiding me,” she said, coming through the door and closing it behind her.
“Obviously not well enough,” Connie mumbled under her breath before moving back towards the stairs.
“Constance,” Brenda called.
Her foot had just landed on the first step. A slow breath left her lungs before she turned to see her sister standing there, hands on her hips.
“Yes, Brenda?”
Patience, she told herself. Just keep your cool and things will go smoothly. Listen to what she has to say, and then you can leave. The thought of being there when Kenny walked in brought a smile to her face. Already thoughts of how she would be waiting for him when he arrived home were taking root. Maybe she’d meet him naked at the door? Or in bed with nothing on but one of his silk ties. Heat crept up her body at the thought of his reaction.
“Don’t yes Brenda me. I have been calling you since yesterday afternoon, and you have not returned one of my phone calls.”
“I’ve been busy getting ready for finals.”
“Uh huh and I’m supposed to believe you were up studying late last night. I was here until close to midnight, and you weren't home yet.”
“I was at a private tutoring session,” she mumbled.
It wasn’t exactly a lie. All the lessons she’d learned last night under Kenny's masterful tutelage would definitely come in handy.
“Is that your sly way of telling me you were having sex with Kenny last night?”
Sometimes saying nothing was the best thing when dealing with Brenda. So she continued standing there simply staring down at where her sister stood with her best blank look on her face.
“So you have slept with him.”
It was more of a statement than a question, so Connie didn’t feel compelled to answer. A look of disapproval crossed her face. She didn’t know if it was because she’d managed the act without her or because she’d slept with him in general. But either way, the look was irritating the hell out of her.
“And if I have, it would be your business because? You’ve never questioned who I’ve slept with in the past.”
She tried to put a lid on her growing anger. Arguing with her sister was not how she had wanted to spend her afternoon. It would only succeed in putting her in a bad mood for when she saw Kenny, and she didn’t want to waste any of her time with him thinking about Brenda.
“I thought the idea was to keep him around for a little while, not just fuck him and let him go on his way.”
“And how do you know he’s going on his way?”
Though her sister’s words irritated her to no end, Connie realized she couldn’t be but so upset because hadn’t those same thoughts wandered through her head a time or two today as well? What if now that they had slept together, he would make up some excuse to end things? She wished Brenda would get the hell out of her head.
“Well, maybe not yet. But you had better bet it is coming. He’s gotten what he wants, Constance. Why would he stick around now?”
Brenda's tone asked how she could be so stupid as to think he’d stick around just to be with her. Weren't those the same thoughts that had been trying to bring her down off her high all day? She had managed to push them back with thoughts of how tenderly he had held her. How softly he’d spoken words of endearment in her ear as she had come down off of a particularly strong orgasm. How he had given her the key to his damn house for goodness sake. Those could not be the actions of a man who only wanted to get in her pants and leave.
“Oh my god, that is what you think isn’t it? You actually think something more than sex can come of this little thing you and he have going on.”
The look of utter disbelief on Brenda's face pushed a button deep inside of her. The look said she was playing the fool once again for a man.
“Con, who was at the door,” Tammy asked, coming into the foyer. “Oh,” she said, her expression saying it all as she looked at Brenda.
“Don’t start with me,” Brenda said, crossing her arms over her chest. “As a matter of fact, I have a bone to pick with you and those other so called best friends of my sister.”
“Oh. Well, I’m sure everyone would like nothing better than to hear what you have to say to us. How about you come back when we are all here together? I’ll give you a call to schedule something,” Tammy replied, sarcasm lacing her words.
“No, how about I just start with you and work my way through the rest when I see them. How could you have allowed my sister, your supposed best friend, to sleep with that man? My god, she’s barely known him a week.”
The look of shock on Tammy’s face was comical. Her mouth opened in a perfect circle, and she clasped her hands over her mouth before she began squealing.
“You slept with him,” she asked in a stage whisper.
Though just as melodramatic as Brenda's face had been moments ago, Connie couldn't keep the smile off her face at the look on Tammy’s. All she could do was nod.
“Do the other girls know?” she asked, still whispering.
Connie shook her head.
“You told Brenda first?” she asked, disbelief replacing her shock and a frown puckering her brows.
The look Connie gave her answered her question without words.
“Oh, she guessed, huh?”
Connie nodded.
“Hello,” Brenda yelled. “I asked you a question. This is not something to be happy about. Don’t you realize now that he’s satisfied, his apparent curiosity he will move on?”
Connie gave a deep sigh of frustration. There were days
when she had to wonder why she’d been blessed, and she used the word loosely, with a sister like Brenda. She’d long ago given up any delusions of them having a close relationship or even being friends for that matter. For years, she had sat by and idly listened to all of her disparaging remarks about how she looked, how she dressed, what she ate and the list went on. She was sick and tired of Brenda always trying to burst her bubble. She had finally met a guy who didn’t seem to care that her sister was the “pretty one” and she was just the “cute one”. Kenny didn’t seem to care that her thighs were flabby. He didn’t care that her breasts were too heavy to ever be perky. And it didn’t seem to bother him in the least that she didn’t have tons of experience with other men. He liked her the way she was, faults and all. But for how long? The thought came unwanted across her mind, but she refused to think in those terms right now and pushed it away.
“Look, Brenda, you don’t know Kenny. He’s not like that,” she said, trying to convince herself as much as her sister.
Brenda gave a snort of laughter.
“Yeah and you say that based on what experience? Because he said a few kind words after you two had sex? Because he held you close before he kicked you out of his house last night? Or did he allow you to stay over for a morning fuck? Grow up, Constance. Men are after only one thing, and if we women give it up too easily, then we can’t expect a man to stay around for long. So you can kiss your pretty boy goodbye now that he’s had his taste,” she said, her lip curling in apparent anger.
Connie just looked at her sister. She was in no mood to hear any more of what she had to say, and she had the option to leave. She thought of the key to Kenny's house and her destination before she’d answered the door.
“Look, Brenda, thanks for your concern or whatever it is,” she began before the doorbell chimed again. “Can you get that on your way out?” she asked, turning to head back upstairs for her overnight bag.
A gasp sounded from behind her. She turned around to see what was wrong now. The smile that broke out on her face was nothing short of smug as she glanced at her sister’s shocked face.
“You were saying, Brenda,” Tammy said, her eyebrows raised in question.
Connie walked back down the stairs to greet Kenny as he closed the door behind him. His eyes seemed to shine brighter when she stopped in front of him.
“Hey, what are you doing off so early,” she asked, glancing at her watch uncertain of what she should do next.
Was she supposed to hug him? Give him a kiss hello? The decision was taken out of her hands when he pulled her to him for a hug before leaning down to kiss her softly on her shocked lips.
“I told you this morning I was going to try and shuffle some things around so we could spend some time together before you went to work,” he said, gazing down into her eyes.
His gaze shifted from hers briefly, and it was as if for the first time he realized they weren’t alone.
“Oh, sorry. Hey, Tammy. Brenda.”
“Oh, don’t apologize. I think it’s great the only person you noticed when you came in was Connie,” Tammy said, regarding Brenda with a tilt of her head.
“I’m out of here.”
And just like that Brenda was gone with a slam of the door behind her.
“Was it something I said?” Kenny asked, a small smile on his face.
“Nope,” Tammy said, winking at him before turning to leave them alone. “It was something you did. Tracy and Jamie are both gonna be mad they missed this one. Wait until I tell them.”
Connie buried her face in Kenny's chest. God, it felt so good to have him hold her. Wrapped in his arms as she was now, the doubts quieted to mere whispers, which were easier to ignore. The doubts that had plagued her all afternoon disappeared behind a closed door.
“I get the feeling I missed something,” he said, his warm breath against her ear.
She shivered in response.
“I’ll tell you about it later,” she said, moving out of his embrace. “I was just on my way to your house.”
The smile he graced her with was so hot it caused her body to throb.
“You were, huh?”
Kenny moved closer to her like a predator stalking its prey. She saw the look in his eyes, and a smile lifted her own lips. She began backing up the steps to her room.
“Connie, I’m gonna go out for a while,” Tammy said, coming back into the foyer.
She glanced from Kenny to Connie and covered her mouth with her hands fighting back a laugh.
“I get the feeling you guys don’t care. See ya,” she said and left.
Connie looked at the closed door and then back at Kenny. The heat she felt moving through her body was mirrored in his gaze. They were home alone. She walked back down the stairs and grabbed his hands.
“Come on,” she said, heading upstairs to her room.
“You know we can go to my place. It’s only a few minutes away if that would be better. I think I can wait that long to get my hands on you,” he said, following her down the hall to her room.
Pushing him into her room, Connie closed the door and made sure it was locked. She moved towards him and began undoing his tie. Making quick work of it, she tossed it over her shoulder, and then pulled his shirt tails free of his pants and unbuttoned them.
“Yeah, but those are minutes I don’t want to spend in the car when I could spend them like this.”
She pressed hot kisses across his bare chest to his hardened nipples and pulled one into her mouth. At his deep intake of breath, she began fondling the other until it was hard as the one between her lips.
“What if one of your roommates comes home and catches us?” He asked, his hands buried in her hair, holding her to his chest.
She looked up at him. Was he serious? All she could think about was getting her hands on his body as quickly as she could, and he was thinking of her roommates walking in on them.
“Don’t be such a prude,” she said, laughing up at him.
Disbelief clearly displayed in his eyes.
“A prude? I have never been called a prude in my life.”
He pushed her back until she fell half hazard on the bed. Her legs spread slightly. Seeing him watching her, Connie spread her legs farther apart and moved her hand down between them. She ran her fingers against the crotch of her jeans.
“Prove it,” she taunted.
It felt good to know she was the reason for the heat in his gaze. That she’d caused the bulge in his pants, which was threatening to burst free at any moment.
“Take off your jeans for me,” he said, his voice coming out rough.
From her reclined position, she toed off her shoes first then unbuttoned her jeans and lifted her hips to push them down her legs. When they dangled around her calves Kenny pulled them the rest of the way off.
“Spread your legs.”
The intensity of the gaze leveled at her caused heat to pool in the pit of her stomach. As if in a trance, she spread her legs wider as he had asked. When he began to rub his hand against the bulge in his pants all she could do was stare. She caught the corner of her lip between her teeth, her gaze locked on the hand caressing himself.
“I want you to touch yourself for me.”
Her gaze shot to his, and heat of a different kind burned in her cheeks. Had he really just asked her to touch herself? The intensity in the hazel eyes staring back at her assured her she had heard correctly. She hesitated. Touching herself was something she had only done in the privacy of her own room. Late at night when the need to be fulfilled was too strong to be ignored.
“Touch yourself, Connie. I wanna watch you pleasure yourself,” he said, his voice hoarse.
Taking a deep breath, she lifted her hips and removed her panties. She kicked them off in his general direction. His hand snagged them out of the air. Her eyes grew large as she watched him bring them to his nose and inhale. Without another thought, her hand moved between her legs and spread her cunt lips. S
he moved a finger to stroke against her throbbing clit.
“Oh,” she breathed as she circled her finger around the nub feeling it get harder.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Do you like how that feels.”
“Yes,” she whispered as moisture began to leak from between her spread legs into the crack of her ass.
Pleasure burned through her body, and her strokes increased in speed. Needing more, she shoved two fingers into her drenched opening. Through slanted eyes, she saw Kenny undo his slacks and push them down his powerful legs. He kicked them along with his shoes away from him, and he stood before her in just boxers, his dick pushed against the material. She watched as he stroked himself through the silky material, his gaze still focused on her fingers thrusting in and out. Connie realized there was something incredibly erotic about watching a man watch you pleasure yourself. The nervousness she had felt only moments ago took a back seat to the desire rushing through her.
“I love watching you play with yourself,” he said, moving closer to the bed.
His gaze remained focused on the in and out motion of her fingers. When she pulled them out this time, she moved them around her swollen clit before sliding them back down between the lips of her cunt until she had them at her opening. She watched him closely as she inserted them inside. Her hips jerked forward as she entered to meet her thrusts. When she pulled them out she held them up for him to see. They were covered with her juices, and the smell of her arousal reached her nose. She inhaled deeply.
“You wanna taste?”
“I want more than a taste,” he said, moving forward to wrap his lips around her fingers.
His tongue slipped between her digits and captured all the juices there. The warm suction of his lips caused her clit to throb painfully. Kenny's weight felt like heaven as he fell down upon her. His heated kisses burned her skin as he trailed those luscious lips of his down her neck into the deep v-neck of her shirt. His lower body rubbed against her heated flesh causing her clit to ache even more with need. He pushed her shirt up and over her head and stared down at her lace covered breasts.