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Unexpected Packages Page 12
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Page 12
“Don’t say another word. I’m there,” Kenny interrupted.
Connie checked the clock on her bedside table. It was barely three o’clock. She didn’t want to interrupt anything he may have going on at work, but if she said the thought of his being there sooner than later didn’t have her body tingling, she would be lying.
“You can come by after work, that’s fine.”
The sound of rustling papers came across the phone line.
“Shelly, I’ll be out of the office for the rest of the day.”
She heard him say on the other end of the phone and then came the ding of what sounded like an elevator.
“Where are you going?” she asked, sitting up on the bed.
“To the parking deck. I’ll be there in less than an hour.”
A smile played around the corners of her mouth. He was leaving work to see her. Though she had tried not to let old doubts affect her, she couldn't deny a fear had always nagged her. A thought always at the back of her mind asking how a man like Kenny could really be interested in her. And the reality was he shouldn’t be. After their first date on Monday, things should have ended. He shouldn’t have touched her like he had, kissed her like he had. Yet here it was the end of the week, and he was still here. She could no longer ignore the simple truth. He seemed to genuinely want to see her. Spend time with her. Wanted her in his life. How could she possibly continue to ignore that? And when she was with him, she never got the feeling he wanted to be anywhere other than where he was and that was with her. It all had to add up to mean something. Didn’t it?
“Kenny,” she called his name, a sense of urgency taking over.
A car alarm beeped, and she heard a car door slam.
An engine purred to life in the background.
“Hurry up,” she said and hung up.
Kenny tried to calm the fast paced beating of his heart. But it was no use. The thought of being with Connie was all he could think about. Leaving her last night had been one of the toughest things he’d done thus far in his life. All he had wanted to do was drag her to his car and take the short drive to his house where he could show her all the benefits to having a man his age in her life. She had set his blood on boil last night, and it hadn't returned to normal yet.
He glanced at his watch and cursed the traffic in front of him. Didn’t these people have anywhere to be? Didn’t they have jobs? There were days like today he hated the fact he had chosen to buy a house so far from where he worked. Hitting the interstate, he shifted into fourth and then finally fifth gear. A shiver of pleasure ran through him as he felt the power of the car’s engine open up, or was it the thought of having Connie beneath him soon.
Thoughts of her consumed him as he ate up the miles between his office and his home. He still hadn’t completely come to terms with what was going on between them. She made him feel things he’d never felt before. Being with her made him question what he had always thought he wanted and needed in a woman to spend the rest of his life with her. He was quickly beginning to realize he had been searching for the wrong things. He’d been looking for things that made for a good business partner not a life partner. He had done more thinking in the last few days about the future course of his personal life than he had in the last several years. And he had come to no conclusions one way or the other. Yet one question refused to go away - could Connie be the person he had been waiting for? The one who would walk by his side from now until old age. Kenny didn’t know, but he was finally prepared to admit to himself that he was willing to find out. With her, he felt as if he could truly be who he was. Not the hotshot businessman other women he had dated seemed to be impressed with. He didn’t have to always be “on” for Connie. He could allow the insecurities and uncertainty he felt over what they were doing out in the open without worry over what she would think. All of this had to mean something. Didn’t it?
Ten minutes later, Kenny found himself pulling into his garage. He entered his home through the kitchen. He would take a quick shower and then head over to Connie’s place for what he hoped would be an afternoon, leading into a long night, of making love. Walking through his house, he glanced around to make sure things were in order. He had no doubts they would end up here.
He had just taken off his shirt and was walking into his bathroom when his doorbell rang. His hand paused on the shower handle thinking he was mistaken. After all, who the hell could it be? No one knew he was at home this early. When the chimes rang through the house again, he, not bothering to put his shirt back on, gave a huge sigh and headed downstairs. He threw the door open wide, not bothering to ask who it was.
“Oh,” gasped a surprised Connie, who stood on the other side.
Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail, and she had on another pair of over-sized sweat pants and t-shirt, but a woman had never looked so good to him. He grabbed her arm pulling her inside. Kenny kicked the door closed with a bang and pressed his warm body against hers, effectively pinning her to the door.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, pulling her hair down from its ponytail to run his fingers through it.
He loved her hair. It was soft and thick. He loved the way it felt between his fingers. And it smelled so heavenly, he thought as he buried his nose in her long tresses.
“I thought I saw you pass my house, and I decided to come on over,” she said.
Kenny lowered his head; his gaze locked on her parted lips. Her pink tongue slipped out to moisten them, and he felt his body harden painfully. Reaching around her to pull her closer by gripping her full ass in his palms, he moved his lower body against hers. He wanted her to know how she affected him.
“Connie,” he began, but stopped when soft hands tentatively began roaming the expanse of his naked back.
She shifted her hips effectively bringing her heated center closer to his throbbing erection. She had to stop, or he wouldn't be able to think. He gripped her moving hips in firm hands in an effort to keep her still.
“Yes,” she said, her hands having moved to exploring his naked chest now.
“I want you so bad it hurts. I need to know you feel the same way,” he said, gasping when her fingers grazed gently across a hardened nipple.
Her hot mouth lowered to take it within its velvet heat, a rush of fresh desire ran through him, and he thought he would pop through the zipper of his pants.
“Oh, Connie,” he groaned.
Her lips moved across his chest, trailing hot kisses to his other nipple.
“Honey, I need you to stop, so we can talk,” he said, trying to move her mouth away from his nipple.
“I don’t wanna talk. We can talk later if we have to, but for now, I just want you to make love to me,” she said, lifting her mouth from his chest.
Kenny had never heard hotter words than the ones just spoken to him. He pulled her towards him and gave her a hard kiss, before pulling her upstairs to his bedroom.
Chapter 16
Connie barely got a glance at the room they were in before she found herself pressed against Kenny's hard chest. His hot mouth quickly descended upon hers stopping all further thought. His tongue thrust itself between her parted lips and made a sweep of the hot cavern of her mouth before retreating. Strong hands moved down her back to tightly grip her full hips, pulling her lower body closer to the hardness of his dick. Moisture leaked from between her legs at the contact. She dragged her mouth from Kenny’s in an effort to catch her breath. Dropping her head to his chest, she felt its rapid rise and fall. Stepping back to look into his eyes, she found herself drowning in the emotions swirling through them. The smile he graced her with made her stomach flip and nervousness began to set in. Never had she felt this way about anyone before. From the moment she had first laid eyes on him, she had wanted nothing more than to know what it would feel like to have him touch her.
He slipped her shirt over her head. The look on his face as he to
ok in the lacy scrap of material barely covering her voluptuous lobes made Connie glad she’d spent the extra money. It had been an impulse buy a few weeks ago when she and her girlfriends had been out shopping. At the time, she had thought they would be resigned to remain at the back of her underwear drawer as a reminder of a foolish act. Never could she have imagined she would wear them for a man who oozed sex from his very pores.
A moan slipped pass her parted lips when he cupped her breasts through her bra and pinched her nipples into tight response before lowering his head to take one of her breasts into his hot mouth. Another groan of pleasure escaped her, and she cupped the back of his head to hold it in place. It felt so good she couldn’t keep still. Connie moved restlessly against him needing to get closer to his heat. Closer to the hardness she felt throbbing against her leg. The need to feel him everywhere at once threatened to consume her.
A trembling hand moved down the front of the slacks he still wore and gently grazed across the proof of his desire. She wished she had more experience at this so she would know if she was doing it right or not. The soft moan Kenny gave against her nipples when she stroked the long length of him vibrated through her body. Okay, she was on the right track. Connie cupped him through the material of his pants and was awed by the size of him. She didn’t have a whole lot to compare him to, but even she realized he was larger than average.
“Oh, god, I want you so bad. Do you feel what you do to me?”
The question came as a hot whisper against her ear. Too full of emotion to speak, all Connie could do was nod. She rolled her head back as lips began to place kisses up and down her neck. Kenny unhooked the front clasps of her bra and pushed it off her shoulders.
“I want …,” she began as a fresh assault on her now bare breasts began.
“What do you want, sweetheart? Tell me,” he asked around a hard nipple.
Her body was on fire, and she tried to think of what it was she wanted to say, but her lack of experience made it hard to form the words. Or maybe it wasn’t her lack of sexual experience. Maybe this is what every woman felt when they had a man who aroused all their senses. The inability to put words into simple sentences.
“Tell me what you want, Connie.”
Kenny's soft voice sounded next to her ear. A shiver ran through her body when he tugged her lobe into the hot recesses of his mouth.
“I want to feel you,” she managed to whisper.
His head lifted. His eyes were bright with the same desire that was running rampant through her own body. He took a step back and spread his arms wide in invitation.
“I’m all yours. You can touch me as much as you want,” he said, walking backwards until he reached the edge of the bed.
Connie walked slowly to where he stood. She lifted her hand, noticing the slight tremble in her fingers. She quickly glanced up to see if he had noticed it as well, but his eyes were closed as he waited for her touch. She ran her hands across his muscular chest taking note his nipples were hard like hers. As her hand slowly explored the many contours of his taut stomach, a small smile lifted her lips as she wondered how many hours he had to spend in the gym to get a body like this. Trembling fingers continued to caress his chest and stomach until she’d worked up enough nerve to reach for the buckle of his pants. After fumbling for what seemed like forever, her fingers suddenly turning to all thumbs, his strong hands covered hers.
“Would you like some help?” his deep voice sounded next to her ear before she felt him brush a soft kiss against her temple.
Connie kept her head lowered in embarrassment. She removed her hands from his buckle and stood there, staring down at his expensive loafers and then her own battered sneakers. She looked from his flat stomach to her own less than perfectly flat one. Feelings of inadequacy and insecurities bombarded her. Had his eyes been closed because he was anticipating her touch or had they been closed because he didn’t want to see her flabby body? No, she tried to tell herself. That’s not why his eyes were closed. He was the one who had undressed her. He knew it wasn’t perfect. Not like his. Strong fingers lifted her chin until she was staring into concerned eyes. Surprised to find tears burning the backs of her eyes, Connie turned away from his penetrating gaze and put some distance between them. She fought to control the chaos running through her. Her body shook with her efforts. She picked up her t-shirt and pulled it over her head to cover herself.
“What’s wrong, Connie? The last thing I want to do is rush you.”
She ran her fingers through her hair and tried to calm down. Memories she thought she’d gotten over were at the forefront of her mind.
“Connie,” he called.
She felt his presence behind her. His body was so solid behind her. She allowed herself the weakness of leaning against him. But just for a moment she told herself. She’d break away any minute now.
“Talk to me. I thought you wanted this as much as I did. If I was wrong, tell me.”
If only it were that simple. But as the thoughts whirled around in her head, they seemed silly to think about, yet she couldn't stop. What if he didn’t enjoy having sex with her? What if he found her body as repulsive as she sometimes did? Would he still want to be with her afterwards? Whether it was good or not.
Kenny wrapped her within his embrace from behind and whispered soft words in her ear. It was all too much. How pathetic was she? Brenda had been right. She wasn’t woman enough to hold a man like this. Hot tears slipped down her cheeks. Connie raised her hand to wipe them away before he could see them when she felt herself being turned.
“Sweetheart, if you don’t tell me what’s wrong, how will I know how to fix it. I don’t want to rush you into something you’re not ready for just because my dick is about to burst at the seams,” he said, laughing softly while brushing away a tear with his thumb.
Genuine concern shined in his eyes and made her feel worse.
“The thought of me naked doesn’t turn you off?”
As soon as the words left her lips, she instantly wished she could take them back. And when she looked up and saw the strange look on Kenny’s face, she wanted to sink through the floor.
“Never mind. Forget I asked. I think I’ll go home now… and die,” she said, pulling out of his grip and heading for the door.
She didn’t make it very far before she was hauled back against his hardened body. She felt his hot breath next to her ear. Her body tensed.
“When I think about all those idiots who have caused you to doubt yourself, I could wring their necks with pleasure.”
Connie could hear the anger in his voice.
“You asked me if your body turned me off. Basically, what you want to know is if I really want to have sex with you.”
He paused a moment before shaking his head.
“I have wanted you since the first night I saw you. You were standing there frowning at me, and I could practically feel the drool running down my chin,” he said, laughing.
“It was so obvious you weren’t interested in anything I had to say, and all I could do was imagine how your breasts would feel in my hands. In my mouth.”
Kenny emphasized his words by taking her mounds now between his large hands and squeezing.
“Hmm,” he sighed. “They feel as good as I imagined they would. Over the last week as I’ve gotten to know you, my desire for you has only intensified.”
Connie tried to think pass the feel of those hands caressing her breasts, but it was difficult.
“I don’t have the experience you have, Kenny. I can count all the guys I’ve been with on one hand,” she replied. “And still have fingers left.”
He turned her around to face him, the evidence of his desire pressed tightly against her stomach.
“I love the fact you haven’t slept with a lot of guys. That means you think I’m special enough to be one of the few. In fact, I should be the one who’s nervous about not living up to your expectations.”
What was he saying? How could he not live up to
her expectations? Her body had been on fire for him since he had first walked into the store. All he had to do was stroke her between her legs now and she would explode into a thousand pieces.
“Are you nervous,” she asked in a whisper.
Instead of answering, he took her hand and placed it to his chest. The erratic beating of his heart pounded strongly against the palm of her hand refused to be denied.
“This is what you do to me. It’s been a long time since I’ve been concerned about my ability to pleasure the woman I was with,” he said, his breathing coming out ragged.
Next, he placed her hand over his hardened dick.
“Feel how you affect me, Connie. I want this more than I can possibly tell you. But the choice is yours. If you say we wait, then we wait until you're ready.”
Never before had she felt so much power over a man. His dick swelled and throbbed against her hand. If any doubt remained in her mind to his wanting to have sex with her, it was now completely gone.
She wanted this. She wanted him. And whatever happened tomorrow or the next day happened. But for tonight, she was going to accept what he was offering. Stepping away from him, she took a deep breath before pulling her shirt over her head and throwing it behind her. Reaching for his belt buckle, she managed to undo his pants with minimal fumbling and pushed them down. She glanced down at the evidence of his arousal when it thrust forward for release against the front of navy blue silk boxers.
“I had you pegged for briefs,” she said on a nervous laugh.
“Yeah, well, I find that boxers allow for easier removal,” he said before lowering them over his lean hips and down his strong muscular legs.
Kenny quickly stepped out of his clothes until he stood naked in front of her. He reached for her hand, pulling her towards the bed.
“I’m only gonna be able to make this offer one more time because once I start touching you, I don’t think I can stop,” he said before she placed a finger to his lips to silence his words.