Unexpected Packages Read online

Page 13

  Connie reached for her pants and pushed them down, taking her panties with them, until she stood naked in front of him as well. For the moment all self-doubt was gone as heat spread through her body, making a pit stop between her legs. She felt her clit begin to throb with unfulfilled need.

  “All I want is to feel you inside me,” she said.

  That was all the invitation he seemed to need. He pulled her to him, and they both fell backwards onto the bed. She had no idea how he ended up on top, but as he began placing hot kisses across her full breasts, she found it wasn’t important. She spread her legs to make room for the thigh he pressed against her. Moving restlessly against it, she moaned as her whole body began to throb in need.

  “My god, Connie, I wanted to take my time, but I don’t think I can last,” he said, moving to suckle her breasts.

  “I don’t wanna wait,” she said, trying to catch her breath.

  Kenny moved his hand down between her legs and stroked her gently before thrusting a finger inside her. There was some discomfort, but it was to be expected. It had been a long time since anything had been inside of her, and his finger was large, yet she found it wasn’t enough. She wanted and needed more.

  “Kenny, please don’t tease me,” she begged. “I want you inside me now.”

  Another finger joined the first, and he stroked in and out stretching her further.

  “I feel the same way, sweetheart, but you are so very tight,” he said through clenched teeth. “I don’t want to hurt you, so I have to make sure ....”

  Just then his fingers grazed against a spot deep inside her, and her hips came off the bed.

  “Oh, yeah … I have to make sure you’re ready,” he said against her ear.

  Again his fingers hit that spot, and her stomach muscles tightened. Connie almost didn’t notice when the third finger joined the others and began thrusting in and out of her slowly at first before picking up speed. She opened her mouth to tell him she was about to cum, but no words came out as her orgasm hit her full on. Her hips thrust against the fingers still deep within her, riding them and drenching them in her juices.

  “Oh, good, I could watch you cum all day,” Kenny said, removing his fingers.

  He settled his body fully between her legs, his hard dick pressing against her hot opening.

  “Now I think you’re ready,” he said before thrusting slowly into her aching pussy.

  A soft sigh of pleasure escaped pass her parted lips, and she closed her eyes tightly. Oh, this was nothing like the dildos she had used over the past several months to quench the ache. They had not come close to giving her the feelings moving through her body now as Kenny began slowly thrusting in and out of her pussy. It was like heaven. She opened her mouth to tell him how good it felt, but no words would come out. Even the scream of pleasure she wanted to release was lodged at the back of her throat. Jagged breathing sounded next to her ear as the speed of his thrusts increased. Deeper and harder into her moist center. Her muscles tightened around him, wanting to keep him inside of her for as long as she could but knowing that only when he pulled out could she obtain that wonderful feeling again. It was like a game their bodies were playing. When he entered her again she opened herself wide for his entry, but her cunt muscles tightened once more, not wanting him to leave the confines of her heat.

  “Oh, baby, your pussy is so tight,” he breathed against her neck. “I don’t know how much longer I can hold on.”

  She was so close to her orgasm, and she didn’t want it prolonged. She’d already had to wait to be beneath him, his strong, powerful dick filling all of her crevices.

  “Harder, Kenny. I want it harder,” she said, reaching to grab his ass and pull him closer to her.

  She saw him rise up on his arms and look down at her, a slanted grin on his face.

  “Your wish is my command.”

  He pulled out until only the large head of him remained inside of her opening. Kenny thrust his hips forward in a powerful stroke until the tip of his dick hit the back wall of her cunt. Connie arched her back as pleasure and pain shot through her. She’d never been filled like this before. Each thrust of his powerful hips brought her closer to the edge until she felt a tightening in her stomach. She welcomed the feelings as they washed over her now.

  “Oh, Kenny, I’m gonna cum,” she screamed, closing her eyes tight against the pleasure moving through her.

  She was only vaguely aware of Kenny’s shout of pleasure as liquid heat shot from his dick mixing with her own release. As the sensations moved over her, she tried to catch her breath but couldn't. Hot liquid slipped from inside of her as he continued to move in and out of her, pumping harder and faster until her body tensed suddenly. She couldn't believe it as another more powerful orgasm was pulled from her. Her eyes were closed tight against the pleasure. It was as if she were suspended somewhere above her body, watching it jerk about on the bed until finally she was able to relax. Kenny’s body slumped down upon her, and she luxuriated in the feel of it. Her arms wrapped around his sweat covered back. A soft kiss landed on her neck before his head lifted and wonder filled eyes stared down at her. Connie didn’t know what to say or if she should say anything at all. Her body still tingled from the pleasure she’d just experienced at the hands of the man above her. She didn’t know how long this was going to last, but she had to admit there were definite advantages to stepping outside of her normal comfort zone.

  Chapter 17

  Kenny laid there, his arms wrapped around Connie’s naked body. The throbbing in his dick belied the fact they had already made love several times. How could he want her again and so soon after the last time? Barely an hour had passed. But the tee-peed covers told of his body’s readiness and apparent need for the woman lying warm beside him.

  Connie stirred, her body brushed against his throbbing dick. His mind was full of what he wanted to do to her still and of what they had already done. He wanted her awake and writhing beneath him in passion, her body so slick with need and want he could drown in her juices. A groan of frustration left him. This was not where his thoughts should be if he wanted to allow her to rest.

  Kenny glanced at the clock on the nightstand. It was close to midnight, and he had a hectic day ahead of him tomorrow. Meetings that had been rescheduled from Monday when he had left early and surely some things he would have to take care of from today. As he mentally reviewed his calendar, he felt his body relax finally until tension of another kind filled him. Thinking of his calendar reminded him that his friend, Marcus, was throwing a party in a few weeks. The question of whether or not he was ready for his relationship with Connie to become public knowledge flitted across his mind. How would his friends react to her? Kenny could imagine the looks of disbelief. They were used to seeing him with a certain type of woman, and admittedly, Connie was not that kind of woman. Then, what are you doing with her? The question loomed over his head like a thunder cloud following him about.

  Kenny shifted on the bed under the uncomfortable weight of the questions moving around in his head. He pulled his arm carefully from under Connie’s softly snoring body. After the way he’d gone at her tonight, he wasn’t surprised when she barely stirred. He brushed the hair back from her forehead. His brain was telling him all the reasons why he shouldn’t have any feelings for this woman. But his heart was telling his brain it was a liar.

  He moved slowly to a sitting position, his head in his hands as he tried to fight the confusion he was feeling. There was no denying she was not his typical kind of woman. He knew it, and she knew it. He glanced back at her sleeping form. Yet, here she was in his bed where he wanted her to stay. He grabbed a pair of pajama bottoms from his dresser and pulled them on before heading downstairs.

  His thoughts weighed heavy on his shoulders as he sat down with a bottle of water at the counter. Things were so jumbled up inside of him that he realized he needed to talk this thing through, but who could he call? Never mind the late hour, he knew that none of his frie
nds would understand. He laughed as he thought of what their advice would be – fuck her until you get over it. Yeah, that would help a lot. Not. Kenny didn’t even know why he was delaying the inevitable. There was really only one person he knew for certain he could count on to give it to him straight.

  “Hello,” the female voice answered on the other end of the phone.

  “What are you still doing up? Do you know how late it is?” He asked, feeling instantly better at the sound of her voice.

  Soft laughter rang through from the other end, and it brought a smile to his face.

  “Why are you calling me after midnight if you didn’t think I’d still be up?”

  It was Kenny’s turn to laugh.

  “I need to talk to you about something, Mom.”

  “What’s wrong, honey? Are you okay?”

  His mother’s tone had lost all hints of humor.

  “Yeah, I’m fine, but I need to talk to you about this woman I met.”

  Nothing could have prepared him for his mother’s laughter. He allowed her a few minutes for the shock to apparently wear off, but when the merriment continued, it began to grate on his nerves a little.

  “Mom, I’m serious here.”

  “I’m sorry, honey, but you caught me off guard,” his mother said, clearing her throat. “I’m glad you called me. Really, I am.”

  Amusement still sounded in her voice.

  “Yeah, well, right now I’m rethinking it.”

  “Oh, stop being dramatic. From the day you realized you could get any woman you set your mind on, you’ve never asked anyone for advice on women. Especially me. I think you were about ten when the realization hit.”

  Kenny smiled in spite of himself. She was right. His interaction with women had always been simple in the past. He saw one he liked, he approached, smiled that smile all women could interpret as interest and he was in. But Connie, she had been the exception to the rule. He approached, and she backed away. He smiled, and she frowned.

  “Yeah, well, this one is different.”

  “And how many times have I heard that one before,” his mother asked.

  The soft laughter still coming from his mother caused his brow to crease in a deeper frown. He and his mother had always been able to talk freely about everything no matter how sensitive the topic. When he had first decided to have sex, it had been his mother instead of his father he had gone to and told what he was planning. His mother had sat him down, explaining his responsibilities as a man. It was up to him to protect himself and the woman he was with. Protection … Oh God, how could he have been so stupid? What had he been thinking? Hmph, that was a stupid question.

  “Oh, Mom, I just messed up big time.”

  When Connie had turned to him finally having come to grips with whatever demons had been causing her concerns, he’d been so ready. It had taken all of his willpower not to cum just at the smell of her arousal.

  “Honey, I find that hard to believe. But why don’t you tell me about it,” his mother said, her calm and soothing voice coming through the phone; all laughter was now gone from her voice.

  Embarrassment caused his face to burn with heat as he explained. After quickly wrapping up his oversight, he told his mother about Connie. When he explained how they had met and how against their initial date she had been, his mother’s laughter had again sounded through the phone.

  “Honey, mistakes can happen when emotions get involved. Things move fast and sometimes we just follow the flow. I’m sure your young lady has taken precautions of her own. If she’s as smart as you seem to think she is, then she wouldn’t leave something as important as birth control solely in the hands of a man.”

  Despite knowing what his mother said was probably true, jealousy and possessiveness ran through his veins. The thought of his Connie having sex with other men was not something he wanted to think about. Ever.

  “Especially since she wasn’t the least bit taken with your other personality, I can see she’s quite intelligent. So what’s the problem?”

  It was that very question that had him downstairs instead of lying in bed beside Connie. It was why he was on the phone after midnight talking to his mother of all people. Kenny had always thought when it came to finding the woman he would settle down with it would be someone more like him. A woman with confidence and already established in her career. Someone who knew how to handle themselves in the world in which he lived. Hmph, someone who was closer to his own age.

  “She’s younger than me,” he blurted out.

  “Interesting. How much younger?” his mother asked.

  “She’ll turn twenty-two in a few months,” Kenny answered absently, his mind moving to thoughts of what he could do to help her celebrate.

  “Well, that’s definitely a change. It’s also one way to keep you young.”

  “Did I mention she’s still in college?”

  “Really. What’s she majoring in?”

  “English. But she’d really like to go into journalism.”

  “Well, she and your father will get along famously,” his mother replied simply.

  Kenny nodded in agreement, not that his mother could see. His father had been an English professor at the local college where Connie now attended before he retired a few years ago. He still guest lectured from time to time for the English department. He would have to remember to ask if she knew him.

  “Yeah, I’m sure they will,” he replied, confused over his conflicting thoughts.

  “Did I mention she’s not as skinny as the women I normally date?”

  “Mmm hmm, you did. Did I ever tell you that I was the first black woman your father ever looked at twice, and at a whopping size sixteen, I was also the heaviest woman he had ever dated?” His mother asked casually.

  Kenny thought back on the way he had seen his father look at his mother through the years. Never had he suspected his father had liked his women smaller or lighter for that matter. Not once could he ever recall him looking twice at another woman even when his mother had not been around.

  “Honey, listen to me. I have watched you over the last several years date a countless number of women and not one of them would I deem worthy of my son. Now, it’s not abnormal for a mother to think her son is the best thing since sliced bread,” she said, laughing. “What’s rare is that I can actually say it’s true of all my boys.”

  Kenny couldn’t help but laugh. His mother was proud of her three sons and never failed to let anyone who would listen know of their many accomplishments.

  “My biggest fear has always been you would marry someone for all the wrong reasons. And pardon me for saying so, but you don’t marry someone because they look good on your arm or because they can talk business as well as the next man or to give you a different circle to network in.”

  It was the first time he had heard how displeased his mother was with the way he was living his life, and it caught him off guard. They had always been close, and he would have expected her to tell him if he were doing something she disapproved of.

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me any of this before now?”

  “When have I ever meddled in your life? Your father and I raised all our boys to know right from wrong, good from bad. And hopefully we have given you an idea of what a good, fulfilling relationship looks like. No matter how many times I’ve wanted to pull you to the side and question your choices, I held my peace. All because I knew deep down inside when it came to choosing the woman you would spend the rest of your life with, you would make the right choice. Was I wrong?”

  A heavy sigh moved through him.

  “I don’t know, Mom. This has been the oddest week of my life. It’s almost like an out of body experience.”

  “Don’t you think you’re being just a tad bit melodramatic, Kenneth?”

  “Mom, you just don’t understand. It’s like I’m somewhere watching my body do things that last week I never would have thought about. If someone had told me last week …. Hell, if someone had told
me on Friday morning that I would meet a full-figured, twenty-something, college student at a gas station who would make me forget all women but her, I’d have asked what they were smoking. Since meeting Connie, she’s all I think about. And she’s so far removed from all the other women I’ve been involved with,” Kenny said, running his fingers through his wavy hair.

  He absently fingered his hair’s length. It was past time for a haircut. Maybe he’d let it grow out a little? He’d been thinking of changing it for a while but hadn't because Lori had told him she preferred it short. Maybe that wasn’t the only change he was ready for in his life.

  “Yes, you’ve mentioned she’s different from any other woman you’ve been involved with. But is that such a bad thing?”

  Kenny paused. Well, was it? He couldn't deny he enjoyed being with her. And he was almost used to the funny feeling he got in the pit of his stomach when he knew he was going to see her.

  “And you’re sure it’s not just a sex thing? I hate to say this, but men since the beginning of time have confused true feelings with lust. You wouldn't be the first.”

  By now Kenny knew he should be used to his mother’s frank nature, but there were times like now when it still caught him off guard. He forced his jaw to close and focused on what she had asked him. Could she really be serious? To think he didn’t know what he was feeling? That he could mistake the odd emotions rolling around inside for … for lust? He thought she knew him better than that.

  “I know what lust feels like. And just for the record, I can get sex anywhere and from anyone. How could you ask me that, Mom?”

  “Because I’m sure it’s one of the many questions you’ve been asking yourself in an attempt to dispel what you're feeling for this young woman. A woman who obviously has you just a little bit out of sorts,” his mother said softly.

  Any anger Kenny might have been feeling drained from his body.

  “How did you know?”

  His mother simply laughed.

  “Sweetheart, I’m your mother. I know everything,” she said, laughing softly into the phone.